Sparc Hydrogen Advances Green Hydrogen Technology in South Australia
Key Ideas
  • Sparc Hydrogen is constructing a photocatalytic water splitting (PWS) pilot plant in South Australia to produce green hydrogen directly from water using solar energy.
  • The pilot plant, located at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus, is a joint venture project involving Sparc Technologies, Fortescue Limited, and the University of Adelaide.
  • The company has achieved key milestones in the development, including securing an EPCM contractor, receiving planning consent, completing the solar system manufacturing, and commencing pilot scale reactor manufacturing.
  • The commissioning of the pilot plant is expected in mid-2025, enabling Sparc Hydrogen to lead in R&D and commercialization of PWS technology for low-cost green hydrogen production.
Sparc Hydrogen is making significant progress in advancing green hydrogen technology with the construction of a photocatalytic water splitting (PWS) pilot plant in South Australia. This project, situated at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus, aims to produce green hydrogen directly from water using solar energy, eliminating the need for electrolysers. The joint venture partners, including Sparc Technologies, Fortescue Limited, and the University of Adelaide, are working towards creating a globally leading facility for green hydrogen production through PWS technology. Key milestones achieved include the engagement of an EPCM contractor, receipt of planning consent, completion of solar system manufacturing, and the commencement of pilot scale reactor manufacturing. With the pilot plant expected to be commissioned in mid-2025, Sparc Hydrogen will have the opportunity to test various reactor designs and photocatalyst materials independently. The company's focus on developing low-cost green hydrogen solutions without relying on electrolysers showcases its commitment to innovation in the hydrogen sector.

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