Yara International Launches Europe's Largest Green Hydrogen Facility for Ammonia Production
Key Ideas
  • Yara International inaugurated Europe's largest green hydrogen facility in Porsgrunn, Norway, with a 24-MW electrolyser producing renewable hydrogen and ammonia for low-carbon fertilisers.
  • The facility, supported by a grant from Norway's Ministry of Climate and Environment, aims to reduce 41,000 tpy of CO2 emissions by partially replacing ethane gas with hydrogen.
  • Despite challenges faced by other demonstration plants, Yara remains committed to decarbonisation, with plans including complete decarbonisation of the Heroya complex within five to seven years.
  • Yara's focus on renewable ammonia and CCS technology signifies a strategic shift towards the decarbonisation of the food value chain and energy-intensive industries, with global expansion plans underway.
Yara International, a leading fertiliser producer, has launched Europe's largest green hydrogen facility at its Heroya plant in Porsgrunn, Norway. The 24-MW electrolyser will be instrumental in producing renewable hydrogen and ammonia for the manufacture of low-carbon fertilisers, marking a significant milestone in the company's decarbonisation efforts. The plant, supported by a grant from Norway's Ministry of Climate and Environment, is set to reduce CO2 emissions by 41,000 tonnes per year through the utilization of hydrogen instead of ethane gas. Yara's ambitious plans include complete decarbonisation of the Heroya complex within five to seven years, aiming to revolutionize the production of ammonia. The company's CEO emphasized the strategic importance of the green hydrogen facility in decarbonising the food value chain and energy-intensive sectors. Moreover, Yara is diversifying its product portfolio by introducing fertilisers based on low-carbon ammonia with CCS technology. With a strong emphasis on sustainability, Yara is also evaluating large-scale low-carbon ammonia production projects in the US, in addition to its existing collaboration with BASF on a blue ammonia facility. These initiatives highlight Yara's commitment to driving the hydrogen economy and fostering markets for low-emission ammonia. Overall, Yara's efforts in renewable ammonia production and CCS technology signify a significant step towards a more sustainable and decarbonized future for the global fertiliser industry.

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