Germany and Morocco Form Alliance for Green Hydrogen Production
Key Ideas
  • Germany and Morocco have established a climate and energy alliance to boost renewable energy and green hydrogen production in Morocco.
  • Germany views hydrogen as vital for decarbonising hard-to-electrify industries and aims to import it from Morocco due to space constraints for renewable energy production.
  • The alliance promotes increased electricity trade between Morocco and the EU, involving German technology firms to enhance Morocco's hydrogen economy.
  • Germany has invested over 1 billion euros in Moroccan renewable projects since 2012, including a solar thermal power plant set to produce green hydrogen for steel production.
Germany and Morocco have joined forces to create a climate and energy alliance aimed at strengthening renewable energy development and green hydrogen production in Morocco. Germany, recognizing hydrogen as crucial for decarbonizing its industries, particularly those hard to electrify like steel and chemicals, sees Morocco as a promising partner for hydrogen imports due to its favorable conditions. With limited space for large-scale renewable energy production, Germany views hydrogen imports as a feasible solution to achieve its climate neutrality target by 2045. The alliance leverages the proximity between the countries by supporting electricity trade and involving German technology companies in advancing Morocco's hydrogen economy. This collaboration, emphasizing fairness in the green hydrogen economy, builds on the longstanding partnership between the nations, with Germany's significant investment in Moroccan renewable energy projects. Notably, a German-funded solar thermal power plant in Ouarzazate is expected to supply enough green hydrogen annually to produce 50,000 tonnes of steel. Future plans include launching an international tender process for buyers, with production slated for 2028 or 2029. The alliance will further explore the logistics of transporting green hydrogen to Germany and Europe, indicating a positive outlook for the development of green hydrogen and renewable energy initiatives.

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