Pioneering a Net-Zero Future Through Global Research Institute
Key Ideas
  • The institute, iNetZ+, is dedicated to achieving net zero and beyond through innovative global research.
  • Their focus on groundbreaking solutions aims to redefine environmental stewardship and lead towards a carbon-neutral future.
  • The commitment extends to policy advocacy, influencing sustainable transitions at various levels.
  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration is key in shaping responsible technologies and policies for a sustainable energy transition.
The global research institute, iNetZ+, is committed to accelerating the race to net zero and beyond by pioneering groundbreaking solutions in decarbonisation, energy, and the circular economy. Their research aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and innovate for a future beyond. In addition to research, the institute focuses on policy advocacy to influence sustainable transitions locally, nationally, and internationally. By collaborating with businesses and industries, they strive to have a significant impact on the global shift towards a carbon-neutral future. Through cross-disciplinary collaboration, the institute is actively shaping technologies and policies necessary for a sustainable and equitable energy transition. Professor Raffaella Ocone OBE, the Academic Co-Lead for Hydrogen Research, emphasizes the institute's commitment to advancing hydrogen research as part of their efforts towards a net-zero future.

Our vision is to be the world's leading online platform for advancing the use of hydrogen as a critical piece needed to deliver net-zero initiatives and the promise of a clean H2 energy future.

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