Empowering Senior Leaders: A Toolkit for Low-Carbon Hydrogen Investment Success
Key Ideas
  • The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Baker McKenzie collaborated to launch a toolkit for senior leaders to guide strategic investment in low-carbon hydrogen offtake, emphasizing the importance of decarbonization in industries like steel and heavy-duty transport.
  • The toolkit outlines four key actions for businesses aiming to accelerate the adoption of low-carbon hydrogen, including navigating transformation, seizing opportunities, implementing closed-loop offtake processes, and unlocking value chain collaborations.
  • Through case studies and practical insights, the toolkit offers a roadmap for companies to integrate low-carbon hydrogen solutions into their operations, highlighting the potential for profitable projects and the strategic business opportunities associated with low-carbon hydrogen.
  • The toolkit addresses the current misalignment between low-carbon hydrogen suppliers and buyers, providing recommendations for senior leaders to facilitate complex investment decisions and transition towards a net-zero future, promoting trust and collaboration across the value chain.
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and global law firm Baker McKenzie have introduced a toolkit titled 'Strategic Investment in Low-Carbon Hydrogen Offtake: A Toolkit for Senior Leaders' to facilitate the adoption of low-carbon hydrogen by businesses. Recognizing the crucial role low-carbon hydrogen plays in decarbonizing industries like steel, heavy-duty transport, and chemicals, the toolkit offers practical guidance for C-Suite and board leadership to navigate complex decision-making around low-carbon hydrogen investment. It emphasizes the need for businesses to align their decarbonization goals with low-carbon hydrogen investments and provides insights into accelerating the adoption of low-carbon hydrogen to drive deep decarbonization. The toolkit outlines four key actions for businesses: informing policymaking to eliminate internal barriers, identifying opportunities for low-carbon hydrogen utilization, exploring closed-loop offtake approaches to support carbon neutrality targets, and promoting collaboration across the value chain. By fostering trust and establishing clear expectations among suppliers and stakeholders, businesses can enhance the deployment of low-carbon hydrogen and meet the rising demand for sustainable products. In addition to actionable insights, the toolkit includes case studies and examples from various industries to showcase how companies are integrating low-carbon hydrogen into their operations successfully. The toolkit's aim is to inspire businesses to envision a net-zero future and convert strategic decision-making into profitable projects. It addresses the challenges faced by low-carbon hydrogen suppliers in reaching final investment decisions due to the lack of long-term offtake agreements and offers recommendations to senior leaders to bridge this gap and drive the transition towards a sustainable future.

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