Scottish Liberal Democrats' Vision for a Green Future
Key Ideas
  • Scottish Liberal Democrats prioritize tackling climate change in a new industrial strategy, aiming to invest at least 3% of GDP in research and development by 2030.
  • The party emphasizes supporting small businesses and start-ups focused on zero-carbon and environmental technologies, including green hydrogen, pumped storage, and battery capability.
  • Wendy Chamberlain highlights the importance of creating clean, well-paid jobs throughout Scotland and ensuring UK's leadership in green skills and future industries.
During a visit to a green hydrogen start-up in the Western Isles, Scottish Liberal Democrats' deputy leader Wendy Chamberlain outlined the party's commitment to integrating climate change action into a new industrial strategy. The party plans to invest significantly in research and innovation, especially among small businesses, with a focus on zero-carbon technologies. Wendy Chamberlain emphasized the need to seize economic opportunities in achieving net zero emissions, highlighting the importance of providing businesses the certainty to invest in green products. The Scottish Liberal Democrats also intend to invest in energy storage technologies like green hydrogen, recognizing the potential of such innovations for economic growth and environmental sustainability. By supporting entrepreneurship and job creation in the clean energy sector, the party aims to drive a strong economic recovery while cutting emissions. Additionally, the party's plans to participate in EU research and innovation funds, such as Horizon Europe and the European Innovation Council, demonstrate a commitment to advancing breakthrough technologies like hydrogen. Overall, the Scottish Liberal Democrats' vision revolves around harnessing innovation and ingenuity to address the climate emergency, create sustainable jobs, and position the UK as a leader in green industries.

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