Luxembourg's Milestone: Legal Framework for Hydrogen Infrastructure
Key Ideas
  • The Chamber of Luxembourg has passed a law providing a legal framework for hydrogen storage and transportation to support the European renewable energy market.
  • This legislative step aligns with Luxembourg's commitment to energy transition and decarbonisation, aiming to establish infrastructure for hydrogen transportation and interconnections with neighboring countries.
  • The law authorizes at least one national transport operator to facilitate the development of a European market for renewable hydrogen, crucial for combating climate challenges and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
The Chamber of Deputies in Luxembourg has recently passed a significant law focused on hydrogen, creating a legal framework for the storage and transportation of hydrogen. This move is in support of the European market of renewable energy and marks a crucial step in implementing Luxembourg's hydrogen strategy adopted in July 2021. The new law aims to set up the groundwork for planning, developing, and operating hydrogen transportation infrastructure within Luxembourg. It also emphasizes the importance of integrating these infrastructure developments with neighboring countries to enhance hydrogen transport interconnections. Additionally, the law includes provisions for the authorization of at least one national transport operator. The primary objective of this legislation is to bolster the European market for renewable hydrogen. This market is deemed essential for addressing pressing climate challenges and reducing the energy dependence on fossil fuels. By establishing a legal framework and supporting infrastructure for hydrogen, Luxembourg is demonstrating its commitment to sustainable energy practices and playing a key role in the transition towards cleaner energy sources.

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