Advancing Hydrogen Infrastructure: Enhancing Flow Measurement Traceability in European Gas Networks
Key Ideas
- Europe aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel dependence by embracing hydrogen as an alternative energy source, requiring an extensive infrastructure overhaul.
- The H2FlowTrace initiative, launched in September 2024 and running until August 2028, aims to develop a metrological infrastructure for accurate hydrogen flow measurements in gas networks.
- The project involves 17 partners from 11 European nations and focuses on establishing traceability for pure hydrogen and hydrogen-enriched natural gas flowmeters, enhancing energy management benefits.
- The success of the H2FlowTrace project is crucial for achieving precise hydrogen flow measurements, ensuring supply chain accuracy, and ultimately bolstering Europe's role in the hydrogen economy.
As the world confronts the urgent need to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Europe is at the forefront of an energy transition aimed at decreasing its reliance on fossil fuels. Hydrogen has emerged as a promising alternative that can be efficiently transported through gas networks over long distances, aligning with various societal, economic, ecological, and technological objectives. To support the extensive network required for hydrogen transportation, Gas Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) play a central role in repurposing existing pipelines and building new infrastructure across Europe.
The H2FlowTrace initiative, launched in September 2024, focuses on addressing the challenge of accurately measuring hydrogen flow in gas networks. This project, funded by EURAMET and coordinated by Cesame-Exadebit, brings together 17 partners from 11 European nations to develop a metrological infrastructure that ensures traceability for pure hydrogen and hydrogen-enriched natural gas (HENG) flowmeters. By enhancing energy management benefits, the project aims to overcome the current deficiency in calibrating hydrogen flow within gas networks.
The consortium's collaborative efforts involve National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), Designated Institutes (DIs), research institutes, industrial entities, and a university, leveraging diverse expertise in flow measurement. With a focus on establishing a verified metrological framework, the project targets a wide flow spectrum to enable calibrations of pure hydrogen and HENG flowmeters with traceability to SI-units. This advancement not only addresses the calibration challenge but also strengthens Europe's position in the hydrogen economy.
H2FlowTrace sets ambitious goals, including creating a system for tracking hydrogen flow within gas networks, establishing a robust metrological infrastructure for different flow rates and pressures, designing traceability transfer skids, and conducting intercomparisons to ensure measurement equivalence across different standards. These objectives align with the larger mission of fostering accurate hydrogen flow measurements, securing the supply chain, and advancing Europe's transition towards a sustainable energy future.
Renewable Energy
Climate Change
Energy Transition
Gas Infrastructure
Supply Chain
European Union
Research Project
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