Granite Creek Copper Expands Portfolio with Alaskan Acquisitions and Geologic Hydrogen Initiatives
Key Ideas
  • Granite Creek Copper has acquired two Alaskan projects with critical minerals mineralization potential and plans to explore geologic hydrogen production with Cornell University, indicating a positive strategic expansion.
  • The Company's collaboration with experts like Dr. Greeshma Gadikota and Mr. Greg Lynch showcases a commitment to geologic hydrogen research and exploration in Alaska, positioning itself as a pioneer in this emerging sector.
  • President Tim Johnson's active involvement in upcoming Geologic Hydrogen Workshops in Fairbanks and Seattle underlines Granite Creek's dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering partnerships in the geologic hydrogen field.
  • Participation in events like the RE+ CHARGE H2 Event in Seattle highlights Granite Creek's engagement in discussions shaping the growth of hydrogen hubs in the United States, contributing to sustainable and equitable development in the hydrogen economy.
Granite Creek Copper Ltd. has announced the acquisition of the Union Bay PGM-Ni project in Alaska and the signing of a Letter of Intent for the Duke Island Cu-Ni-PGE project. These projects showcase critical minerals mineralization and potential for carbon sequestration and geologic hydrogen production. The company will collaborate with Cornell University to study geologic hydrogen under Dr. Greeshma Gadikota's guidance, funded by the US Department of Energy's ARPA-E. Additionally, Granite Creek has engaged Mr. Greg Lynch to prioritize acquisitions with geologic hydrogen potential. President Tim Johnson expressed excitement over these acquisitions, emphasizing the importance of adding geologic hydrogen to the mineral exploration efforts. Dr. Gadikota highlighted the potential of geologic hydrogen for decarbonizing the energy sector and multi-use approaches in critical metal recovery and carbon storage. Collaborating with Cornell, Granite Creek aims to explore ultramafic resources in Alaska for geologic hydrogen production. The company's involvement in the Geologic Hydrogen Workshop in Fairbanks and Seattle demonstrates a proactive approach to advancing geologic hydrogen research. Events like the RE+ CHARGE H2 in Seattle bring together stakeholders to discuss the growth of hydrogen hubs, with Granite Creek contributing to the dialogue. Geologic hydrogen, a natural underground hydrogen source, holds promise for decarbonizing energy, with economic discoveries dating back to 1987 in Mali.

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