Innovative Collaboration for Carbon Capture in Marine SOFCs
Key Ideas
  • HD KSOE, HD Hydrogen, and DNV have partnered to develop and validate PSA technology for carbon capture in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.
  • The project aims to integrate the technology into shipboard power generation to reduce maritime carbon emissions.
  • PSA technology is expected to be 40% more energy-efficient than conventional CO2 absorption technologies.
HD Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE), HD Hydrogen, and DNV have joined forces in a Joint Industry Project (JIP) to work on Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology for carbon capture in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). SOFCs, known for their high efficiency in electricity generation from natural gas, ammonia, or hydrogen, are being considered for powering ships. The collaboration aims to explore how PSA-based carbon capture can be integrated into SOFCs for shipboard power generation with the ambitious goal of replacing traditional ship propulsion engines. The innovative PSA technology works by cyclically altering pressure to selectively capture and release CO2, offering a significant energy efficiency improvement of at least 40% compared to current CO2 absorption methods used in the maritime sector. This initiative represents a positive step towards sustainable maritime operations and reducing carbon emissions in the industry.

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