Unveiling Actinides: Investigating Uranium and Plutonium Peroxides
Key Ideas
  • Julien Margate, a PhD student in physical chemistry at ICSM, delves into the world of actinides, focusing on uranium and plutonium peroxides.
  • His research explores sonochemistry and sonolysis to understand the formation and reactivity of uranyl and plutonium peroxides in various conditions.
  • Margate's work has led to significant findings, including the generation of hydrogen peroxide via sonolysis and the synthesis of a stable peroxo-based compound of tetravalent plutonium.
Julien Margate, a 26-year-old PhD student from Paris, France, is conducting groundbreaking research in the physical chemistry of actinides at the Institute for Separation Chemistry in Marcoule. His thesis, supervised by experts from ICSM and CEA Marcoule, focuses on the preparation, characterization, and reactivity of actinide peroxides, particularly uranium and plutonium species. Margate's investigations into uranium involve the formation of uranyl peroxides, crucial in nuclear fuel corrosion scenarios and radiolysis effects. By utilizing sonochemistry, he explores the generation of hydrogen peroxide and its impact on actinide materials. Through sonolysis of uranium dioxide, he has observed the transformation into metastudtite, attributing this behavior to hydrogen peroxide generation. Furthermore, his work with plutonium explores the synthesis of a new peroxo-based compound, shedding light on historical nuclear research. Margate's academic journey, from a chemistry degree to a nuclear engineering master's, equipped him with the expertise to delve into actinide science, leading to groundbreaking discoveries in the field.

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