Exploring a Hydrogen Future in Quebec: INRS Research Team Takes the Lead
Key Ideas
  • INRS research team releases six reports funded by MEIE, documenting the state of geological, geophysical, and geochemical knowledge on natural hydrogen in Quebec.
  • Initial study shows rocks in Quebec capable of producing natural hydrogen, prompting further exploration for viably exploitable reserves.
  • Team formulates recommendations to enhance the chances of finding natural hydrogen and prepare for its potential development to benefit Quebec's energy transition and economy.
  • Research contributes to laying the groundwork for future regulations surrounding the development of natural hydrogen in Quebec.
A research team at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) in Quebec is leading the exploration of natural hydrogen as an emerging alternative for cleaner energy production. The team, under the supervision of Professors Jasmin Raymond and Stephan Séjourné, has released six research reports funded by the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie (MEIE). These reports capture the current knowledge on natural hydrogen and explore the geological, geophysical, and geochemical aspects relevant to Quebec. Initial findings indicate the presence of rocks in Quebec with the potential to naturally produce hydrogen, signaling the need for further exploration to identify exploitable reserves. The team's work aims to contribute to Quebec's energy transition by harnessing natural hydrogen and preparing the province for its development. The research emphasizes the importance of regulatory frameworks to guide the exploration and utilization of this resource. By laying the scientific foundation and formulating recommendations, the team at INRS is paving the way for Quebec to benefit from natural hydrogen as a renewable energy source, ensuring competitiveness in energy and the economy.

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