Netflix's Sustainable Journey: From Emission Reductions to Clean Productions
Key Ideas
  • Netflix is committed to halving carbon emissions by 2030 and is on track to meet its targets by focusing on energy optimization, electrification, and decarbonization.
  • Significant progress has been made in reducing emissions across offices and studios through the adoption of renewable energy sources and sustainable investments.
  • Netflix is decarbonizing its productions by replacing diesel generators with clean mobile power solutions and transitioning to electric or low emissions vehicles.
  • The company is promoting sustainability on screen by incorporating sustainability themes and storylines in its titles, showcasing over 200 in its Sustainability Stories collection.
Since 2021, Netflix has been committed to halving its carbon emissions by 2030 and has made significant progress towards this goal. They are focusing on energy optimization, electrification, and decarbonization through a framework called 'OED.' In 2023, Netflix reduced its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by half compared to 2022, with most emissions coming from corporate operations, production of films and series, and streaming. The company is actively working on reducing emissions across its offices and studios by collaborating with utilities and landlords to identify energy efficiency improvements and adopting renewable electricity and fuels. They have also made sustainable investments in their studio campus in Albuquerque, including geothermal heating and cooling, solar and battery storage systems, and EV charging infrastructure. Netflix is decarbonizing its productions by using clean mobile power solutions and electric or low emissions vehicles. They are also actively involved in promoting sustainability on screen by incorporating sustainability themes and storylines in their titles, showcasing over 200 such titles in their Sustainability Stories collection. To further accelerate the transition to clean alternatives in the industry, Netflix co-founded the Clean Mobile Power Initiative. Despite the progress, production emissions are expected to increase in 2024 as operations resume, but Netflix remains dedicated to its sustainability goals.

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