Unlocking Growth: UK's £2.4 Billion Opportunity in Zero-Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles
Key Ideas
  • The UK HDV sector could realize a £2.4 billion growth opportunity by 2035 through decarbonisation and a shift towards net zero.
  • Forecasts suggest that at least 75% of heavy goods vehicles and buses produced in the UK by 2035 will be zero-emission.
  • Significant opportunities exist for high-value components in zero-emission HDVs, including battery packs, fuel cell systems, and hydrogen tanks.
  • Efforts to lead in fuel cell technologies require investment in energy infrastructure and the development of charging and hydrogen refuelling networks.
The latest insight report from the Advanced Propulsion Centre UK (APC) highlights a significant growth opportunity in the heavy duty vehicle (HDV) sector in the UK. By transitioning towards net zero and decarbonisation, the sector could realize a £2.4 billion opportunity by 2035. The report forecasts that nearly 35,000 heavy goods vehicles and buses produced in the UK by 2035 will be zero-emission at the tailpipe, with specific distribution among battery electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), and non-fossil fuel internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The emphasis is on key components like battery packs, electric drive units, fuel cell systems, and hydrogen tanks, with an estimated £2.4 billion UK opportunity identified across these areas. The report also stresses the need for a robust infrastructure to support the transition, especially in charging and hydrogen refuelling networks. Dr Hadi Moztarzadeh and Aditya Thiru from APC emphasize the significance of this opportunity for UK businesses, particularly in the automotive supply chain, to pave the way in the HDV and transport sectors.

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