Celebrating Sustainable Innovation in the Racing Industry with Green Hydrogen
Key Ideas
  • Extreme E and ENOWA have been nominated for the edie Net-Zero Awards for their efforts in utilizing a Hydrogen Fuel Cell System to power the championship's energy production.
  • At the recent Hydro X Prix in Scotland, 80% of the event site power was produced by hydrogen fuel cells, showcasing a significant milestone in sustainable motorsport.
  • The use of 700kg of green hydrogen allowed for the production of 11 Megawatt-hours, equivalent to powering 1,000 UK homes for a day or charging EVs at the site over 350 times.
  • The winners of the edie Net-Zero Awards will be revealed in London, recognizing the contributions of individuals and organizations towards a net-zero carbon economy.
The edie Net-Zero Awards have been established to acknowledge and celebrate the corporate initiatives driving the transition to net-zero through specific projects and actions, highlighting the efforts of businesses and climate experts. Extreme E and ENOWA have been recognized for their innovative approach to energy production in the racing industry, integrating a Hydrogen Fuel Cell System into the championship's operations. By leveraging solar and green hydrogen energy, ENOWA's system supports sustainable energy practices in challenging environments. At the Hydro X Prix in Scotland, Extreme E and ENOWA achieved a significant milestone by utilizing hydrogen fuel cells to generate 80% of the event site power. This involved using 700kg of green hydrogen to produce 11 Megawatt-hours, providing energy for car charging, catering, and event control. The impact was substantial, equivalent to powering 1,000 UK homes for a day or facilitating over 350 EV charges. The recognition at the edie Net-Zero Awards reflects the commitment of Extreme E and ENOWA to drive innovation and sustainability in motorsport, with a focus on increasing clean energy production for race site infrastructure. The upcoming awards ceremony in London will unveil the winners, celebrating advancements in renewable energy and environmental consciousness within the racing industry.

Our vision is to be the world's leading online platform for advancing the use of hydrogen as a critical piece needed to deliver net-zero initiatives and the promise of a clean H2 energy future.

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