Exploring Ammonia Technologies for Maritime Industry Transformation
Key Ideas
  • Amogy and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries collaborated to explore ammonia-cracking technology for hydrogen fuel cells in the maritime sector.
  • Feasibility study examined the application of Amogy's technology and Mitsubishi's MAmmoSS in maritime processes.
  • Two concepts tested for feasibility included ammonia cracking for hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen supply as pilot fuel for ammonia engines.
  • Investments by MHI America and Mitsubishi Corporation in Amogy indicate strong support for the development of ammonia technologies in the industry.
Amogy, an ammonia-to-power company, partnered with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group's Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. to conduct a feasibility study on leveraging ammonia technologies in the maritime industry. The study focused on Amogy's ammonia-cracking technology and Mitsubishi's Ammonia Supply and Safety System (MAmmoSS). Ammonia cracking, a process to produce hydrogen from ammonia, was explored alongside MAmmoSS, which includes ammonia fuel supply and gas abatement systems. The study tested two key concepts: using ammonia cracking to fuel hydrogen fuel cells on ships and establishing a hydrogen supply facility to serve as pilot fuel for ammonia-fueled engines. Notably, MHI America and Mitsubishi Corporation made investments in Amogy during June 2023, showcasing a commitment to advancing ammonia technologies. Additionally, Amogy is collaborating with Infinium, a company also supported by Mitsubishi, to explore the integration of its technology with efuels. This partnership highlights the growing interest and investments in innovative solutions for the maritime industry's transition towards sustainable and efficient practices.

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