Southwire Partners with Plug Power for Sustainable Supply Chain Solutions in Texas
Key Ideas
  • Southwire collaborates with Plug Power to introduce a clean hydrogen ecosystem at its distribution site in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
  • Plug will supply over 50 hydrogen-powered forklifts and a fueling station, sourced from its production facilities in the U.S.
  • The partnership aims to displace over 1 million pounds of CO2 annually, showcasing a commitment to sustainability and carbon reduction.
  • Plug's innovative hydrogen infrastructure offers a sustainable alternative, emphasizing operational efficiency and productivity for Southwire.
Southwire, a prominent North American wire and cable manufacturer, has joined forces with Plug Power Inc., a global leader in hydrogen solutions, to implement a clean hydrogen ecosystem at its new distribution site in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. This strategic partnership signifies Plug's expansion into the industrial supplier market, introducing sustainable hydrogen solutions to enhance carbon reduction in the supply chain. The agreement includes the supply of more than 50 hydrogen-powered forklifts with GenDrive fuel cells and a fueling station equipped with GenFuel dispensers. Southwire aims to embed sustainability into its operations by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency. Plug will also provide on-site service for the fuel cells for five years and maintain the hydrogen infrastructure for a decade. Plug's CEO emphasized the company's commitment to sustainability and innovation, highlighting the importance of offering sustainable alternatives in decision-making processes. Southwire's vice president emphasized the cultural shift towards sustainability and the long-term commitment to sustainability through partnerships like Plug Power. By revolutionizing the material handling industry with fuel cells, Plug enables continuous fleet operations with minimal emissions, contributing to increased productivity. The partnership between Southwire and Plug Power showcases a positive step towards sustainable supply chain solutions and operational efficiency in Texas.

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