VINSSEN Receives Certification for Korea's First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tugboat
Key Ideas
  • VINSSEN achieves a milestone with a certification from the Korean Register for Korea's first hydrogen fuel cell tugboat, marking a significant step in maritime decarbonization.
  • The 2,700 kW hydrogen-powered tugboat by VINSSEN incorporates advanced fuel cells and battery storage, ensuring efficient energy management for eco-friendly propulsion.
  • VINSSEN's integration of hydrogen technology and battery storage systems not only promotes sustainable maritime solutions but also demonstrates the company's commitment to global decarbonization efforts.
  • The company's active participation in events like Sea Asia 2025 showcases its dedication to advancing eco-friendly propulsion systems in the maritime industry.
VINSSEN, a leader in maritime decarbonization, has received a notable certification from the Korean Register for unveiling Korea's first hydrogen fuel cell tugboat. This Approval in Principle signifies a major breakthrough in eco-friendly maritime technology and is the result of a collaborative endeavor with KRE, a renowned expert in ship design and maritime infrastructure. The tugboat, designed by VINSSEN, boasts a 2,700 kW hydrogen-powered engine that leverages cutting-edge fuel cells and is supported by battery storage for optimal performance during low-load operations. By adopting this hybrid model, VINSSEN ensures efficient energy management, particularly during peak demand periods, thus setting the stage for sustainable maritime propulsion. VINSSEN's innovative propulsion system not only highlights the potential of hydrogen technology but also integrates battery storage solutions, positioning the company as a frontrunner in maritime decarbonization. The company's active engagement in global events like Sea Asia 2025 further exemplifies its dedication to championing sustainable maritime solutions worldwide, underlining its commitment to environmental conservation and eco-friendly practices in the industry.

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