Exploring Zero Emission Bus Technology in Melbourne
Key Ideas
  • BusVic hosted a successful Transitioning to Zero Emission Buses Summit in Melbourne with 170 attendees from operators and suppliers.
  • Key speakers covered topics such as motivation, challenges, trials of ZEBs, costs and benefits of hydrogen, and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Presentations also included insights into transitioning depots to 100% ZEB, best practices for maintenance, and the need for network rescheduling.
  • Despite the absence of the Minister for Public Transport, the Summit provided valuable information and closed with a speech by the Leader of the Opposition.
BusVic organized the Transitioning to Zero Emission Buses Summit at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, which saw a good turnout despite the weather. The summit opened with discussions by Professor Graham Currie on the transition motivation and challenges. The event featured updates on ZEB trials, transition experiences of depots, hydrogen operation costs, and performance reviews of hydrogen buses. Notable presentations included risk mitigation strategies for fires on ZEBs, maintenance best practices, and the impact on network rescheduling. Although the Minister for Public Transport was absent, the Leader of the Opposition provided a closing speech. The Summit aimed to educate and inform industry professionals on the advancements in zero emission bus technology and the importance of sustainable practices in public transportation.

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