New Flyer Expands Hydrogen Bus Production in St. Cloud Amid Growing Demand
Key Ideas
  • New Flyer in St. Cloud is increasing production of hydrogen-powered buses in response to rising demand for environmentally friendly vehicles.
  • The company secured its largest fuel cell bus order for 108 hydrogen buses for San Mateo County Transit in California.
  • The expansion includes a hydrogen refueling station at the St. Cloud site to support production and fulfill fuel cell requirements.
  • Hydrogen-powered buses offer environmental benefits with zero emissions and cost savings in the long term despite higher initial costs.
New Flyer of America, based in St. Cloud, is gearing up to boost the production of hydrogen-powered buses in response to the growing interest in renewable energy vehicles. The company recently announced its largest fuel cell bus order to date, consisting of 108 hydrogen buses for the San Mateo County Transit in California. To support this expansion, New Flyer plans to establish a hydrogen refueling station at its St. Cloud facility. Stephen King, the vice president of Strategy and Investor Relations at New Flyer, highlighted the increased demand for zero-emission buses driven by cities' energy and emissions goals. Approximately 40% of the company's current backlog comprises orders for fuel cell or electric buses. These buses operate by converting energy from hydrogen atoms into electric current, producing only water vapor as a byproduct. While hydrogen-powered buses offer environmental and efficiency advantages, limited hydrogen infrastructure remains a challenge. The buses can travel up to 370 miles on a single refueling, with a cost of about $1.3 million per bus. Despite the higher upfront cost compared to traditional diesel buses, the long-term savings on maintenance makes them a cost-effective choice. The expansion of production facilities in St. Cloud is expected to start late next year, signaling a positive outlook for the hydrogen bus market. New Flyer anticipates a continued increase in demand for these environmentally friendly vehicles.

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