Hong Kong Launches Hydrogen Strategy for Carbon Neutrality Drive
Key Ideas
  • Hong Kong's Hydrogen Strategy aims to promote regional cooperation and investment in hydrogen for carbon neutrality.
  • The strategy includes legislative amendments by 2025 to regulate hydrogen manufacturing, storage, transport, and use.
  • Efforts will be made to align with international hydrogen standards, facilitate local applications, and promote Hong Kong as a hydrogen energy development base.
  • A dedicated Inter-departmental Working Group has been formed to support hydrogen projects and commercialization in the region.
Hong Kong has introduced its Hydrogen Strategy as part of its commitment to achieving carbon neutrality. The strategy focuses on enhancing legislation, setting standards, aligning with the market, and creating a favorable environment for hydrogen energy development. The Secretary for Environment and Ecology highlighted the importance of hydrogen energy in combating climate change and emphasized its potential for low-carbon energy. The government plans to introduce legislative changes to regulate hydrogen activities and certify hydrogen standards by 2027. Additionally, Hong Kong aims to promote regional cooperation, investment, and joint ventures for hydrogen development, as well as positioning itself as a demonstration base for hydrogen energy. The strategy also includes the establishment of an Inter-departmental Working Group to facilitate local hydrogen applications, provide support for infrastructure development, and advise on commercialization pathways. Overall, the Hydrogen Strategy signals Hong Kong's proactive approach towards embracing hydrogen as a key component of its carbon neutrality drive.

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