Empowering Europe's Energy Transition: H2eart's Roadmap for Underground Hydrogen Storage
Key Ideas
  • H2eart for Europe, an alliance of European storage system operators, has unveiled a roadmap for underground hydrogen storage to address renewable energy intermittency on the grid.
  • The roadmap includes policy, economic, and implementation measures to unlock successful UHS development, emphasizing scalability, safety, and leveraging existing infrastructure.
  • Key recommendations involve creating long-term policy clarity, developing EU-level financial support mechanisms, and implementing site-specific screening processes for UHS projects.
  • The alliance aims to guide policymakers in scaling up UHS infrastructure to meet flexibility demands in a decarbonized energy system, focusing on fact-based reports and cooperative market consultation.
H2eart for Europe, an alliance comprising 12 European storage system operators, has introduced a comprehensive roadmap for the deployment of underground hydrogen storage (UHS) to combat the intermittency challenges of renewable energy sources in Europe. The roadmap emphasizes the significance of UHS in balancing the power grid and highlights its scalability, safety, and potential to leverage existing infrastructure. The alliance's roadmap is structured around three pillars: policy and regulation, economics, and implementation. Key recommendations include the need for long-term policy clarity, the development of an EU-level financial support toolbox for Member States, and the implementation of site-specific screening processes for UHS projects. H2eart for Europe's goal is to assist policymakers in investing in and expanding UHS infrastructure to meet the flexibility demands of a decarbonized energy system. By offering fact-based reports and analysis, the alliance aims to provide guidance for navigating the complexities of UHS development in Europe. The official launch of H2eart for Europe occurred in Brussels, Belgium, on January 23, 2024, marking a pivotal step towards advancing underground hydrogen storage in the region.

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