EU Commissioners Arrive in India on Hydrogen-Powered Bus for Bilateral Talks
Key Ideas
  • European Commission Commissioners arrived at Hyderabad House on a hydrogen-powered bus developed with Tata Motors and IOCL.
  • PM Modi welcomed Ursula von der Leyen for bilateral talks in New Delhi, highlighting the strong strategic partnership between India and the EU.
  • Discussions during the visit focused on various areas including connectivity, clean energy, security, and the expansion of the European Union.
  • The visit emphasized the importance of trusted friendships and strategic alliances in a time of conflicts and competition.
The European Commission Commissioners, including President Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in New Delhi, India, for bilateral talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They were transported to Hyderabad House in a bus powered by hydrogen fuel cell technology, developed in collaboration with Tata Motors and Indian Oil Corporation Limited. The visit highlighted the strong strategic partnership between Europe and India, with discussions focusing on various areas such as connectivity, clean energy, security, and the expansion of the European Union. Ursula von der Leyen emphasized the importance of trusted friendships in an era of conflicts and competition, stating that India is a strategic ally for Europe. The EU delegation also met with Union Minister Anupriya Patel and engaged in a cluster meeting to discuss topics like the India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor and mobility. The visit showcased the commitment to sustainable practices through the use of clean energy technology in transportation.

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