Unlocking the Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles in Europe
Key Ideas
  • Platinum Group Metal (PGM) firms advocate for increased deployment of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) in Europe to secure precious metal supply chains.
  • The International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA) emphasizes the need for a balanced approach between FCEVs and battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) to avoid supply chain bottlenecks.
  • FCEVs are seen as essential to reducing the risk of decarbonization goals being hindered by metal shortages, particularly in securing the supply of iridium used in PEM electrolysers and BEVs.
  • The EU's Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) and the call to unlock commercial-scale FCEV deployments aim to enhance sustainability, energy efficiency, and supply chain diversification in the region.
Platinum Group Metal (PGM) firms are pushing for European policymakers to incentivize the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) to safeguard precious metal supply chains. The International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA) asserts that the EU's current focus on battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) poses a significant risk of supply chain bottlenecks. The IPA calls for a more balanced approach, advocating for the deployment of FCEVs alongside BEVs to mitigate metal shortages and enhance decarbonization efforts. The association highlights the importance of FCEVs in securing the supply of iridium, crucial for both PEM electrolysers and BEVs, by leveraging by-products of PGM mining. By promoting a mix of FCEV and BEV powertrains, the IPA believes that Europe can ensure stable access to recycled platinum and iridium for years to come. The paper also addresses the EU's Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which promotes PGM recycling and supply diversification. This act aligns with the IPA's stance on bolstering fuel cell circularity and recognizing the role of PGM-catalyzed technologies in driving sustainable growth. Platinum, in particular, plays a vital role in PEM fuel cells, catalyzing the hydrogen-oxygen reaction to generate power efficiently. The unique properties of platinum make it indispensable in fuel cell stacks, ensuring durability and conductivity over their lifespan. The advocacy for FCEVs in Europe aims to optimize decarbonization, energy efficiency, and raw material availability while maintaining industrial competitiveness. Overall, the push for FCEV deployments and recognition of PGM's role in fuel cell technology reflect a positive sentiment towards hydrogen utilization in achieving sustainable and efficient transportation solutions in Europe.

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