SAG Group's LH2 Tank System: Setting Records and Passing Tests
Key Ideas
- SAG Group developed a double-walled, vacuum-insulated LH2 tank made of stainless steel with special safety features for extreme temperatures.
- Their LH2 tank was part of the #HydrogenRecordRun where Daimler's GenH2 truck set a record by traveling 1,047 km on a single fill of liquid hydrogen.
- The tank successfully passed the bonfire test, required for European type approval, demonstrating its structural integrity and safety features.
- The LH2 tank system, approved for use in road traffic in the EU, offers more energy density than gaseous hydrogen, suitable for long-distance heavy-duty transport.
Austria's SAG Group specializes in manufacturing lightweight components for automotive, commercial vehicle, and rail applications worldwide. Their latest development is a liquid hydrogen (LH2) tank system. The tank is constructed with stainless steel, double-walled, and vacuum-insulated, featuring a special valve system for LH2's extremely low temperatures. In the #HydrogenRecordRun, Daimler Truck's GenH2 set a record by traveling 1,047 km on a single fill of LH2 using SAG's tank. Following successful testing, including passing the demanding bonfire test, the LH2 tank received European type approval. SAG highlighted LH2's advantages over gaseous hydrogen for long-distance transport due to its higher energy density. Challenges remain in scaling up deployment due to the need for infrastructure development and price considerations.
North America
Commercial Vehicles
Fueling Infrastructure
Energy Density
Type Approval
Cryogenic Storage
Safety Testing
Automotive Components
Fuel Tank Systems
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