Decarbonising Australia's Freight Industry: Electric vs Hydrogen Trucks
Key Ideas
  • Transport emissions in Australia are rapidly increasing, making decarbonisation a crucial goal for the industry.
  • A study compared electric and hydrogen trucks, showing that electric trucks are more efficient in decarbonising road freight.
  • The research highlighted the challenge of emissions from manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal, emphasizing the need for innovation in battery design for recycling.
  • Survey results suggest that the industry is slowly embracing decarbonisation, with larger fleet operators showing more commitment.
Transport is a significant source of emissions in Australia, with a 3.6% increase observed from 2022 to 2023. The focus on decarbonising the freight sector led researchers to compare the lifecycle emissions of electric and hydrogen trucks. The study found that electric trucks are a more effective and faster option for reducing emissions compared to hydrogen trucks. The production, use, and recycling phases of both types of trucks were analyzed, revealing that hydrogen trucks have a higher emissions intensity due to the complexities of hydrogen production and storage. The research emphasized the importance of a full lifecycle analysis to determine the most efficient and cost-effective technology for decarbonisation. Findings indicated that emissions from manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal play a significant role in the overall carbon footprint of both truck types. The study modeled various scenarios with different energy mixes and truck adoption rates. Results showed that under scenarios with high rates of renewable energy and adoption, emissions could significantly decrease. The transition to a fully renewable scenario with a mix of electric and hydrogen trucks could reduce freight emissions by 76%. However, even in renewable scenarios, hydrogen trucks consistently showed higher lifecycle emissions than electric trucks. The research also highlighted the industry's readiness for the transition to low-emission trucks. An online survey involving trucking organizations revealed varying levels of knowledge about electric and hydrogen trucks. While a majority of operators had decarbonisation strategies, concerns about the high purchase costs of low-emission trucks and customer willingness to pay more for green services were raised. The study recommended redesigning batteries for easier recycling to mitigate emissions from battery production and disposal. Overall, the findings underscore the importance of innovation and strategic planning in transitioning the freight industry towards sustainable and low-emission technologies.

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