Aviation Industry Urged to Prepare for Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft
Key Ideas
  • ACI Europe President encourages aviation industry to continue preparing for hydrogen-powered aircraft.
  • Despite delays, industry urged to press on with hydrogen as a sustainable aviation solution.
  • Thierry Dubois, an aerospace journalist, emphasizes the importance of technology and innovation in Europe's aerospace sector.
The President of Airports Council International (ACI) Europe, Armando Brunini, has emphasized the importance of the aviation industry, especially in the realm of infrastructure, to be ready for the advent of hydrogen-powered aircraft in the future. Despite potential delays, the industry is urged to persevere with the development of hydrogen technology as a sustainable solution for aviation. The article highlights the need for continuous preparation and forward-thinking within the sector. Thierry Dubois, a seasoned aerospace journalist, underlines the significance of technology and innovation in Europe's aviation, defense, and space industries. This call for embracing hydrogen as a power source for aircraft signifies a positive attitude towards cleaner and more environmentally friendly aviation practices.

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